Webinar | How to Harness the Power of AI with ChatGPT


If you want to grow your business and take advantage of the latest AI tools available, this complimentary webinar for CRB and SRS designees is for you. Presenter Valerie Garcia will show you live examples of ways to use AI to create and implement content immediately. Learn what AI tools are relevant to you and your business to generate client emails, counseling presentations, listing descriptions, blog posts, and more in a stitch! Harness this powerful tool and sign up today.

Valerie Garcia

Valerie Garcia helps people create customer extraordinary customer experiences, find joy in messy authenticity, and dive head-first into new ideas. Using creative storytelling and nuts-and-bolts strategies to ensure that audiences truly enjoy learning, she is known for delivering motivation and truth with her signature straightforward style and sense of humor.

A sought-after speaker, coach, and consultant, Valerie has led thousands of keynote presentations, workshops, and leadership development workshops globally, working with some of the world’s best-known brands.

With over 20 years of experience in the corporate world and nearly a decade as an entrepreneur, Valerie gets it. She is well acquainted with the messy parts of life and leadership and passionate about helping organizations celebrate change and move from fear to forward.

 Val doesn’t just talk about bravery; she knows first-hand what it means to do it scared. Her stories will inspire you to embrace your messy, authentic humanity – becoming a better leader, sales professional, and teammate in the process. Valerie is the author of the forthcoming book, We’re Gonna Need Cake: Celebrating Authentic Leadership in a Messy World, to be released in August 2024.

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You will access the webinar on this page. No other links are necessary. Refresh your page if the link doesn't appear and it is past the early login or start time. A recording will be available in approximately one week in the "Recorded Webinars" section. Live event: 04/11/2023 at 3:00 PM (CDT) You must register to access.